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TBC Children’s ministry is one of the most important ministries in the church. It’s important because they are our kids. They are the leaders and movement shakers of tomorrow. Children’s ministry cannot be just a…
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Our Mission is to mobilize a generation of disciples that will know, love and follow Jesus Christ and actively advance the Kingdom of God to the Nations of the Earth, with a clear focus at the GTA and its environs.
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The vision of our men’s ministry is to see men’s lives changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see men mature in the Lord, become committed and faithful men. Our main purpose is relationships.
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Serving Christ through serving women and equipping them for ministry” – We are an exciting group of women concerned with spiritual and personal growth.The Virtuous Women of Trinity Baptist Church –
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The ministry of church ushers plays a vital role in the hospitality and welcome ministry of the local church. Together with church greeters, parking lot volunteers, welcome center volunteers, and hospitality hosts, church ushers help the church member, visitor
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The Protocol team serves at the pleasure of the pastor helping him to fulfill the God given vision of the church. We also serve visiting pastors making sure they are well cared for. We anticipate the pastor’s needs and assist him in all his activities and ensuring they are properly and successfully
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We strongly believe the tool of music was created by God as a form of prayer (communication with God) to serve the church. Whether it’s the act of singing or the use of instrumental music during prayer, music can quickly open
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Jesus exhorted us to pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10). One aspect of God’s kingdom being expressed on earth as it is in heaven involves worship. God’s desire to be worshiped on earth as He is in heaven has not changed.
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