Welcome to Trinity Baptist Church
Thank you for visiting our web site. We invite you to come back often to see the frequent updates. This site was designed with you in mind. Trinity Baptist Church is a holy spirit filled and charismatic church. We are a local church that proclaims one message: The Gospel.
Check out our church events coming up in 2017. Here you will be able to browse events.
Listen to heartwarming messages that are carefully placed here to lift your soul and bring you even closer to the Master.
Our Mission
To reach the all of God's children everywhere one person at a time and to bring them to Christ those desiring to live for Him.
Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33
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TBC Children’s ministry is one of the most important ministries in the church. It’s important because they are our kids. They are the leaders and movement shakers of tomorrow. Children’s ministry cannot be just a…
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Our Mission is to mobilize a generation of disciples that will know, love and follow Jesus Christ and actively advance the Kingdom of God to the Nations of the Earth, with a clear focus at the GTA and its environs.
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The vision of our men’s ministry is to see men’s lives changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see men mature in the Lord, become committed and faithful men. Our main purpose is relationships.
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“Serving Christ through serving women and equipping them for ministry” – We are an exciting group of women concerned with spiritual and personal growth. The Virtuous Women of Trinity Baptist Church.
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Sundays at 10am and Fridays 7pm
Wednesdays at 7pm
3-800 Arrow Rd.
Toronto, ON
Fun and casual for
all ages and families